Darren Chaker on Expungement and Record Sealing

Another Insightful Post by Darren Chaker

Home – Darren Chaker on Expungement and Record Sealing

darren chaker reviews new california expungement record sealing law
darren chaker reviews new california expungement record sealing law
New California and Record Sealing Laws reviewed by Darren Chaker.

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States With The Best Expungement Laws

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Expungement and Record Sealing Services

Darren Chaker offers services to law firms who would like to develop an expungement and record sealing practice.

With two decades of experience in legal brief writing and legal research, Darren Chaker has been called upon to provide dozens of law firms with updates and follow up for clients who have already obtained court orders expunging or sealing records.

Record Sealing and Expungement by Darren Chaker

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Why Choose Us

Information With Passion

Darren Chaker is passionate about leveling the playing field for those who have a conviction and desire to progress in life. Darren Chaker has spoken to hundreds of offenders, donated time at expungement clinics, and provided research without charge to community activists who are working with an attorney.

Supporting Law Firms

With access to Westlaw and Lexis Legal Research databases, Darren Chaker maintains cutting edge research for attorneys on the options available to seal or expunge records.

From California, to Nevada, Florida to Texas, Darren Chaker has been their, expunged that.


In California, expungement and record sealing may be pursued often without a hearing. With each court in California allowing hearing via Microsoft Teams, an attorney can now expand his or her practice to any court in the State of California.

Darren Chaker Also Writes on First Amendment Issues

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